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* ProjectHead (software)

Vydáno dne 01. 11. 2011

Program projectHEAD© serves to calculate the DMS-surface over arbitrary triangulation and the animation approximated surface of the human head model CANDIDE, and/or M-4A©. Program is built-up in C++ Builder 6.0.

Program projectHEAD© allows to:
  • load a file with the triangulation,
  • display the triangulation projection,
  • transform of coordinates (rotation, shift, scaling, etc..),
  • load definition and an animation units (AU units, FAP units) of the human head model,
  • setup display (resize, change colors, type of display polygons using painter’s algorithm or algorithm with depth buffer, etc.),
  • select a part of the triangulation and its manipulation,
  • setup parameters for knotclouds placement,
  • setup parameters for side control points placement,
  • displacement of knotclouds,
  • change of control mesh,
  • setup OpenGL window (lighting, orthographic / perspective view, fill / mesh display, etc.)
  • pre-process of triangulation of human head model (excluding duplicate vertices, coordinate
  • transformation, eye adjustment, etc.)
  • calculate of the DMS-spline functions over the triangulation,
  • calculate of DMS-surface over the triangulation,
  • animate of the approximated surface of human head model,
  • texture of the approximated surface,
  • save new approximated surface coordinate and structure to file,
  • create new animation of model sequence file,
  • animate of model of human head by animation sequence file.

  • Projecthead

    Figure 1: Program projectHEAD screenshot.

    More detailed information is given in the PDF file that is part of the ZIP archive.

    Autor:        M. Nemčík
    Pracoviště: České vysoké učení technické v Praze, FEL

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    Omezující faktory při širokopásmovém přenosu signálu po metalických párech a vzájemná koexistence s dalšími systémy
    (GACR 102/03/0434)

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